Client story

The Scrumconnect Journey: Driving Transformation Through Platforms

Scrumconnect Consulting has been at the forefront of the platform revolution, actively harnessing the power of platform engineering to transform businesses and industries.

Criminal Justice System Common Platform Programme (CJSCPP)

Consider, for instance, our work on the Criminal Justice System Common Platform Programme (CJSCPP). This platform has been a game-changer in driving efficiency and enhancing service delivery across the Criminal Justice System (CJS) and its agencies.

Under the wider ambit of the HMCTS Reform Programme, we helped develop a comprehensive platform that has revolutionized the way criminal justice services operate. By digitizing numerous operations and workflows, we've been able to streamline processes, reduce inefficiencies, and deliver quicker, more effective justice.

As a result, more than one million pleas have been logged online, facilitating the swift resolution of court cases and reducing the burden on the physical court system. The transformation that we've initiated with CJSCPP stands testament to the sheer potential of industry platforms, particularly in public service sectors like criminal justice. It's truly gratifying to witness the profound impact our services are making. Read more here

Pensions Platform for DWP

Our work with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) further underlines our commitment to harnessing platform power. We've engineered a robust, efficient, and accurate pensions platform that processes state pension for 12 million citizens, annually disbursing a staggering £101bn.

The platform is a marvel of automation, taking 80% of claims online and automatically processing 66% of them straight-through to citizens. The result? A drastic reduction in processing times, greater efficiency, and above all, enhanced satisfaction for citizens. This project underscores how industry platforms can transform public service delivery, enabling organizations like the DWP to deliver more with less. Read more here

Data Platform for DWP Fraud, Error, and Debt

Our data platform for DWP's fraud, error, and debt reduction initiative serves as another compelling example of platform power. We have developed an intelligent platform that helps the department proactively identify and tackle instances of fraud and error across its myriad services.

By leveraging advanced data analytics and machine learning, we've empowered the DWP to mitigate losses, improve resource utilization, and increase the overall efficiency of their operations. This exemplifies how platform engineering, combined with cutting-edge technologies, can help public sector organizations improve governance and deliver better outcomes.

The Power of Reusability: Payments Engine

One of the cornerstones of platform engineering is the concept of reusability. At Scrumconnect Consulting, we put this principle into practice when building our payments engine.

Designed with a focus on scalability and flexibility, our payments engine is a prime example of a robust platform that can be adapted to various use cases. The engine's true power was underscored during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when rapid, reliable financial support became a lifeline for millions of people.

Faced with the unprecedented challenge of disbursing emergency funds, we were able to quickly repurpose our payments engine to deliver £5 billion in emergency payments to Northern Ireland. This agility not only enabled immediate relief for citizens in need, but also resulted in significant savings for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). By reusing our payments engine, we saved DWP money in implementation costs, plus over three months of delivery costs. We won UKIT award for this service.

Looking Ahead

Above achievements underscores the inherent power of platform engineering: its ability to adapt to changing circumstances quickly, to scale effectively, and to deliver value efficiently. Our payments engine was not just a technical solution, but also a tool for social impact, a tool that allowed for the delivery of much-needed support during a global crisis.

By embracing the principles of platform engineering, we at Scrumconnect Consulting are committed to building solutions that are not just powerful and efficient, but also flexible and reusable. We firmly believe in the transformative potential of platform power and look forward to continuing to push the boundaries of what's possible with platform engineering.

In each of these instances, the platform's power is clear: platforms, when designed and implemented effectively, can unlock immense value, streamline processes, and deliver significant social impact. At Scrumconnect Consulting, we are proud to be leading this charge, harnessing the power of platform engineering to create a better future.

Whether it's transforming public service delivery, enhancing citizen satisfaction, or improving governance, our work serves as a testament to what's possible when you embrace platform power. And as we move forward, we are excited about the prospect of pushing these boundaries further, driving greater change, and making a bigger impact through the power of platforms.