Supplier name: Scrumconnect Limited
Publication date: 14th Jan 2025
Scrumconnect Limited is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040.
Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.
Baseline Year: 2020
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations.
Our baseline year was chosen as 2021 as we acquired new office spaces to accommodate our growing business and increasing workforce
For Scope 1 and 2 calculations we followed the 2019 HM Government Environmental and Reporting Guidelines. We have also used the GHG Reporting Protocol - Corporate Standard and the UK Government's Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2021.
For Scope 3 calculations we followed the guidance of GHG Reporting Protocol - Corporate Standard and have used the UK Government's Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2021 for reporting. Different advised methods of calculations have been employed to calculate best these emissions including fuel method, distance method, spend method using proxy techniques, industry averages.
Scope 1: 8.5
Scope 2: 10.1
Scope 3 (Included Sources): 75.34
Total Emissions: 93.9
Reporting Year: 2024
Scope 1: 0
Scope 2: 0
Scope 3 (Included Sources): 194
Total Emissions 194
In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets.
Our office spaces have:
In the future we hope to implement further measures such as:
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.
Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard[1] and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting[2].
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard[3].
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).
Signed on behalf of the Supplier:
Praveen Karadiguddi - CEO
Date: 16/01/2025
We are committed to continuously providing the best in tech with our people, practices and technology through our certifications.
Scrumconnect is committed to disability rights.
This enhanced government-endorsed standard demonstrates that we have implemented the essential plus security requirements for protecting your data, and that of your client’s, against unskilled internet-based cyber attackers.
We are a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) Cloud Compute 2 framework, a testament to our commitment to providing high-quality services to the UK public sector.
An integrated management system, designed for ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2015, operates across our business. These are regularly reviewed in order to ensure the continuous improvement to meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders.