Scrumconnect ranked an impressive 166 out of the Top 1000 companies across Europe - and 33rd in the UK - with compounded annual growth of 126.3%. Revenue leapt from £2.6m in 2019 to almost £29m in 2022.
The FT says the latest annual ranking - now in its eighth year - shows "the extent to which entrepreneurship continues to thrive, despite a backdrop of considerable political and social upheaval given rising interest rates and a slowing economy".
"In line with our remarkable recognition on the FT Fastest 1000, as CEO I envision Scrumconnect Consulting growing not just in achievements but in strength," said Praveen Karadiguddi, chief executive officer.
"Our vision to expand to 1,000 dedicated professionals within the next three years stands as a testament to our ambition, our commitment to excellence and our unwavering belief in the power of collaboration. Together, we will set new benchmarks in innovation and consultancy, empowering businesses worldwide."
The Financial Times said: "The return to growth after the pandemic has been hampered by high inflation and a cost-of-living squeeze, exacerbated by an energy crisis fuelled by the war in Ukraine. The FT 1000 ranking, compiled with German research company Statista, showcases those European companies that have grown fastest in the face of all these challenges. They are listed in order of highest compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in revenue over the period 2019 to 2022. This year, a minimum average growth rate of 36.9 per cent was required for inclusion."